Tuesday, January 10, 2012


"Remember this, fix it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please." Isaiah 46:8-10

Have you ever thought about how quickly you forget something, even something important? Someone tells you something and you are sure you will remember but a distraction comes and the thought is gone. We are so easily distracted by things that do not matter. We are even distracted when we pray. Our minds begin to wander around here and there and everywhere! Why can't we stay focused for one moment?

It reminds me of Jesus when he went to pray in the garden and he asked his three closest disciples to stay awake and pray. Every time he returned they were asleep. I am sure that they didn't mean to go to sleep. It was late and as they closed their eyes to pray, the next thing they knew they were snoring. How disappointed Jesus was!

God through Isaiah proclaims the words above to remind us to remember Him. Although this is written to His people Israel, there is much that we can take away from it. Are we rebels? You bet! Do we need to remember all of the things that God has done? Absolutely! Do we need to preach to ourselves that there is one God and no other? Yes! Do we need to remember that God's purpose and His will is what is going to take place regardless of our rebellion? A resounding yes!

God does as He pleases. I wonder if I can remember that when life gets hard. I better because even the hard life is all about God and what He is going to accomplish. The real test is whether I can remember God when life is going great! It is those times when God is not in the forefront of my mind because after all...life is good! But without thinking of God and who He is and what He is accomplishing, is life really good??

So I need to "fix it in my mind and take it to heart"...God. That is the memory worth the effort to remember.

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