Saturday, April 21, 2012

Breakfast with the Girls

As you may know or not know, I am the women's ministry director at Cornerstone Baptist Church.  It is my privilege to serve the women of the church in all areas, Bible studies, mentoring, counseling and special events.  

This morning we had an inter generational breakfast at church.  There were women there of all ages.  I had wished there had been more from the younger women of the church but I know that those who were supposed to be there were there.  The food was great!  It was enjoyable to eat and mingle at our tables getting to know one another better.  Then after breakfast we got up and searched for women who fulfilled certain criteria listed on a bingo sheet.  We got their autographs and learned more about them.  It was a fun time of fellowship together.

The best part came at the end when I had asked them to share something they had wished someone had told them when they were younger.  I was afraid that there were not going to be many who would just speak up so I had a couple of women ready to get it started.  Much to my surprise and joy the women didn't have any trouble at all speaking up.  They begin to share things from their lives one at a time.  We all learned from each other.  We laughed.  We wiped a tear.  We said "Amen!".  We clapped.  It was the greatest display of fellowship I have witnessed among our women.  We were a body, speaking into one another's lives.

This is what we are called to do.  We are to be examples to one another, mentors to one another and to love one another.  The women of Cornerstone did that this morning in a group of 80 sharing some pretty personal things.  There was no fear in the sharing because we are family.

I am excited to invite my family to do this again.  God has really used today as an encouragement in the lives of these 80 women.  I hope that others will be encouraged too as these women share their experience with them. 

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