Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Can Someone say Amen?

I always love it when I see evidence of God working in the lives of my grandchildren. It is such a privilege as a grandma to witness the growth of each of them especially in the area of their spiritual lives.
Seth is my oldest grandson and is definitely the most serious of the bunch. One day he came into his mother's studio and looked very dejected. She asked him what the problem was and he said, "It's the Holy Spirit." She thought that was interesting so she asked what he meant. "I hit Everett and now the Holy Spirit won't leave me alone." She reminded him of what he needed to do about it and he went upstairs to ask for forgiveness.

Wow!! "It's the Holy Spirit!" Sometimes I am embarrassed to say that I don't even know if I am listening to the Spirit. How wonderful to see that my grandson has a sensitivity to the Lord.

Everett is next and boy can this guy pray. He will cover just about everything in a prayer before the meal without ever praying for the food. He too is very sensitive. He rarely lets a prayer go by without praying for his uncle, my son. He has not seen him in 5 years and yet he still remembers him and prays for his uncle to turn to God. He was upset one day because he forgot to pray for his uncle.

O.K. who am I forgetting to pray for on a regular basis. What an example he is to me!

Tristan is the youngest boy in the family. He has learned the song about the fruit of the Spirit and sings it with gusto. He tries to sing it faster and faster. Through this song he has memorized the Word of God. It is such a joy to see his smiling dimpled face as he sings the words which are being imprinted on his heart.

Memorize...falling behind there myself...I guess I need a song to help me. So proud to hear Tristan singing God's Word.

Then there is Addy, the girly girl and the youngest. One day as we were making cookies somehow we were talking about Jesus. With great authority she said to me, "Well, Jesus died on the cross and came back to life." I agreed and said that this was very true. What a great truth to know at her age.

I need to remember what Jesus did on a daily basis and I don't always do that. I get busy.

So not only am I proud of my grandkids but I can also be challenged by them spiritually. What a joy to watch and learn. So I pray for sensitivity to the Spirit, to remember to pray for specific people, to memorize the Word and to never forget what Jesus did for me.

Monday, August 9, 2010

One excuse after another

I have written about my mom before. She has frontal Lobe disorder which is progressing. Now she no longer has any grip on reality. She comes up with her own version of things as well as excuse making. She is really becoming a master at excuses. If she has eaten more than one banana when she claims to have eaten only one and you call her on it. She says to my Dad, "Did someone come in here?" My Dad says, "Sure two or three people." Then she says, "Well of course the bananas are missing." I love to hear what she will come up with next. Her world revolves all around herself and in it she can do nothing wrong.
She obsesses over feeding animals, squirrels, birds and dogs. She can go through $10.00 worth of peanuts in 3 days. She claims that $10.00 worth will last her a month because the squirrels only take one half of a peanut at a time. Priceless....I tell you.
It gives me cause to think about my own excuses. There are things in my life that I don't do and should. Are my excuses valid? Are they even believable? I really don't think I have very good ones. Awwwww.....something else I can learn from my mother even at my age!! I better start paying attention and learn from the master! :)

Celebrity Status

Today I was told that Nancy Leigh DeMoss' podcast was mistaken for me. Wow! What a compliment. Nancy is a true woman of God who does her study and desires for women to learn and grow. That is my desire as well so my hope is I not only sound like her but want to follow her example as well. Thank you little Evie for the compliment. You made my day!