Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Politics and a 6 year old

On Saturday I was at my daughter's house, sewing bags for Excess Baggage shows coming up. As the day was winding down, we began to clean up the sewing area and the kids began to clean up the kitchen and family room. My six year old grandson was sweeping the foyer when he said, "We don't want to vote for the man, Bama, because he helped someone blow up three buildings, I think. Dad says to vote for McCain but he is going to raise taxes and we are going to have to pay." He then leaned on his broom looking so forlorn with no answers in his little mind.

After he left the room, I laughed and laughed. Since when does a six year old talk politics? His concern over the raising of taxes was said as if he were going to be paying the money from his pocket. Perhaps he was thinking of the lack of money his parents would have to put in his envelope for his chores. Whatever it was, he was genuinely concerned. It gave me a good chuckle.

This same six year old is concerned about another thing too. Each time he prays, he remembers to pray for his uncle to come to know the Lord. He prays with a heartfelt desire for this to happen. He never mentions his uncle other than to the only one who can save, Jesus Christ. When I think of this, I do not laugh but actually shed a few tears to realize that my grandson is so concerned about my son.

A big thank you to my grandson for showing me the importance of concern. This is not a time to be indifferent. It is a time to weigh every issue, do a little homework and make a decision to vote your conscience. It is also a time to not be indifferent about the lost of this world but to bring them before the throne of grace. We should never tire of being on our knees for the unsaved especially those in our families.

We can apply the following verse to both this country and our families. "Then Jesus toldhis disciples a parable to how them that they should always pray and not give up." Luke 18:1

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

We are all Weavers

On Saturday morning when I attended the funeral of my friend. I saw people I haven't seen in 20 years. As I watched the people go down the aisle I began to get a sense of the tapestry of life. At some point in our lives we have heard that we are part of a tapestry being woven together by God. Sometimes from this side it looks knotted and very messed up but from His point of view everything fits together nicely. This came to my mind because these people from many years ago all had a part in my life. They were part of my growth in Christ as we attended the church together. Many of them I worked along side of as we ministered to children, teaching the gospel. They were there for the births of my two children. These people were a big part of my life which I had totally forgotten until Saturday.

We are all weavers. We weave in and out of people's lives. This is all done so unconsciously. We do not really notice who we are affecting as we move about in our life. I am very embarrassed by that fact. There are those who I could have made a greater impact on for the gospel if I had noticed. As I watched these people, I began to remember the impact on my own life each had made. There was the woman who taught kindergarten with me for many years. I became her helper at 18 years of age. She was kind to me and taught me so much about interacting with young children. Then there were full grown adults with their own children who had been in that class. I was a weaver to them. One of those is now working in another church growing the Lord, serving women.

The body of Christ is full of weavers. We are the weavers as we move around down here but God is the Weaver as He places us in each other's lives. His purpose is sure, "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ." Ephesians 4:12-13 That is a tall order for each one of us. We need to focus on who we are in Christ as we weave in and out of other's lives. Are we interacting like who we are? Are we considering those we pass everyday as "better than ourselves" (Philippians 2:3)? Do we watch our words? (Ephesians 4:29)

The questions could go on and on. As Followers of Christ we are all joined together by our Head, Jesus Christ. We may weave in and out of different local bodies of Christ in our lifetimes but we can know this for certain our Head does not change. So weave with joy as you serve the Head making a difference in others for the Kingdom's sake.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


This weekend was one of celebrations for me. On Saturday I had the joy of celebrating the home going of a friend and the wedding of another friend. Both these occasions were reason to celebrate. I shed tears, shared with old and new friends, and prayed at both celebrations. I would like to write a short tribute to each of these friends.

My friend, Jackie Rocho, went home to be with her Savior on October 1, 2008. Her funeral was yesterday. Jackie took me under her wing when I was 18 years old and we taught Jr. Church together. I spent many hours at Jackie's table planning and preparing for each of our Sunday's lessons. Then she handed the baton over to me and I taught Jr. Church myself while she took on another ministry in the church. I remember one specific day at her table when my first child was only 3 months old. I stayed a very long time that day because my husband was going to take our dog away. I was very sad about it although I knew it was the right thing to do. Jackie allowed me to stay way beyond my allotted time and comforted me in the loss of the dog. What a wonderful memory of my friend! I was able to see Jackie during the last years of her life when Alzheimer's had robbed her of her memory. She ate lunch with Jane, her daughter-in-law, and I until she became bedridden. I recall her stealing Jane's sandwich from her plate when I was supposed to keep an eye on her. That was funny! I would be incomplete if I did not give Jane credit for the years she has cared for Jackie. Jane was able to celebrate yesterday too in knowing that Jackie is singing and dancing before her Savior giving Him all the Glory!! Praise God for His Glorious Salvation!!

A wedding took place yesterday of my friend, Marty. She was widowed a few years ago and had no intention of marrying again. But God had other plans. He brought Marty and Ernie together to be married. They had known one another for many years. But they would have never guessed that they would become husband and wife. What joy God had brought to each of them! I have to say of Marty, she loves the Lord. She has lead many Bible studies over the years. She is firm in her faith and gives God all the credit. When she was widowed she displayed the peace that only God can give at a time like that. She has expressed that she can't explain it. I know it is God's grace! His grace is given us to handle life and all it brings our way. Now God's grace is at work again in this new marriage. I am so glad that I was able to be a part of the celebration.

So what about today?? Is there reason to celebrate? Of course, there is...
"This is the day that Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Body of Christ

This weekend was a wonderful opportunity for me to connect with Arabic women in the body of Christ. They were gracious and very kind to me as I spoke to them about their spiritual gifts. I learned from them this weekend as we embraced and gave each other greetings with a holy kiss. This is not the tradition in my church more of a handshake will do but their culture is more acceptable of the holy kiss. The intimacy of this embrace breaks down barriers that we ourselves put up. I was at total ease to speak to them after having been embraced by each woman in expression of the love of Christ.
We do not have these kind of opportunities often but when we do, we need to take advantage of them. The body of Christ extends way beyond the four walls of our own church. It is universal with Christ as the head. We can learn from each other as we worship together. It bothers me that so often we end of talking about others in the body. There will be disagreements among us but these disagreements are not opportunities to gossip and slander other believers. We are told to "...encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." (Hebrews 3:13) Doesn't that ring true? Of course, all of the scripture does. When we fall into the habit of being critical of others and their techniques, we are on our way to being deceived by sin. We begin to think that we are the right ones and if others are not walking the way we walk in the body, then they are wrong. This will result in pride. A critical spirit does not have a place within the body.

Yes we are to be discerning but isn't that different? Even though we disagree with another brother or sister, we are still part of the body and can work through issues together. One day we will stand shoulder to shoulder singing praises to God in His eternal kingdom.
This weekend was good for me. I was taught love and acceptance through the embraces of these women who are connected to me by our Savior, Jesus Christ. So the next time I feel that critical spirit coming on, I need to remember what Paul wrote to the Romans, "Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ send greetings." (Romans 16:16) Paul writes that "all" of the churches of Christ care enough to acknowledge the church in Rome. Where's the competition? There is not competition with the body of Christ. We are all one. It is time to live like it!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fun with Mom

My mom is proof positive that God has a sense of humor. Technically, she has frontal lobe disorder but practically for us it is no different than Alzheimer's. Her memory is all but non-existent of the current events that take place each day, no really more like from moment to moment. However, she can cover up her lack of memory with some pretty funny one liners. Today was one of those times.
There was a geranium hanging on the front of their garage and Mom said, "Where did you get that flower?" My dad said that he had already told her where it came from. Mom replied, "Well I know if you would have told me, I would have remembered it." Then my dad said, "you said that it would be yours and you would take care of it." Mom replied, "Believe me, I know I never said that!"
The whole exchange made me laugh all the way home. For just that instant, Mom can articulate a pretty funny reply but then it goes just as quickly as it came. God gives me these times so that I can laugh thereby enjoying my mom once again.
It also reminds me of how I live my life at times in totally denial of what I know God is telling me. In a situation where I say things that hurt the one I am speaking to, I might as well be saying to God, "Well, I know if you would have told me, I would have remembered it." Would I? The correct question is "Do I?" Because He has told me in His word and quite simply..."Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 How in the world could I forget that?
I do not have the same condition as my mom but I do have a problem, it is MYSELF disorder. Have you ever suffered from it? I fear I suffer from it way too often. The medicine I need is all tied up in repentance and forgiveness. Repentance is work on my part as I turn from this disorder and forgiveness is God's part as He embraces me as His own because of the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.
I don't know about you but I would much rather be in order with Jesus than in disorder without Him.