Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Body of Christ

This weekend was a wonderful opportunity for me to connect with Arabic women in the body of Christ. They were gracious and very kind to me as I spoke to them about their spiritual gifts. I learned from them this weekend as we embraced and gave each other greetings with a holy kiss. This is not the tradition in my church more of a handshake will do but their culture is more acceptable of the holy kiss. The intimacy of this embrace breaks down barriers that we ourselves put up. I was at total ease to speak to them after having been embraced by each woman in expression of the love of Christ.
We do not have these kind of opportunities often but when we do, we need to take advantage of them. The body of Christ extends way beyond the four walls of our own church. It is universal with Christ as the head. We can learn from each other as we worship together. It bothers me that so often we end of talking about others in the body. There will be disagreements among us but these disagreements are not opportunities to gossip and slander other believers. We are told to "...encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." (Hebrews 3:13) Doesn't that ring true? Of course, all of the scripture does. When we fall into the habit of being critical of others and their techniques, we are on our way to being deceived by sin. We begin to think that we are the right ones and if others are not walking the way we walk in the body, then they are wrong. This will result in pride. A critical spirit does not have a place within the body.

Yes we are to be discerning but isn't that different? Even though we disagree with another brother or sister, we are still part of the body and can work through issues together. One day we will stand shoulder to shoulder singing praises to God in His eternal kingdom.
This weekend was good for me. I was taught love and acceptance through the embraces of these women who are connected to me by our Savior, Jesus Christ. So the next time I feel that critical spirit coming on, I need to remember what Paul wrote to the Romans, "Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ send greetings." (Romans 16:16) Paul writes that "all" of the churches of Christ care enough to acknowledge the church in Rome. Where's the competition? There is not competition with the body of Christ. We are all one. It is time to live like it!

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