Thursday, October 9, 2008

Fun with Mom

My mom is proof positive that God has a sense of humor. Technically, she has frontal lobe disorder but practically for us it is no different than Alzheimer's. Her memory is all but non-existent of the current events that take place each day, no really more like from moment to moment. However, she can cover up her lack of memory with some pretty funny one liners. Today was one of those times.
There was a geranium hanging on the front of their garage and Mom said, "Where did you get that flower?" My dad said that he had already told her where it came from. Mom replied, "Well I know if you would have told me, I would have remembered it." Then my dad said, "you said that it would be yours and you would take care of it." Mom replied, "Believe me, I know I never said that!"
The whole exchange made me laugh all the way home. For just that instant, Mom can articulate a pretty funny reply but then it goes just as quickly as it came. God gives me these times so that I can laugh thereby enjoying my mom once again.
It also reminds me of how I live my life at times in totally denial of what I know God is telling me. In a situation where I say things that hurt the one I am speaking to, I might as well be saying to God, "Well, I know if you would have told me, I would have remembered it." Would I? The correct question is "Do I?" Because He has told me in His word and quite simply..."Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Corinthians 10:31 How in the world could I forget that?
I do not have the same condition as my mom but I do have a problem, it is MYSELF disorder. Have you ever suffered from it? I fear I suffer from it way too often. The medicine I need is all tied up in repentance and forgiveness. Repentance is work on my part as I turn from this disorder and forgiveness is God's part as He embraces me as His own because of the death, burial and resurrection of His Son, Jesus.
I don't know about you but I would much rather be in order with Jesus than in disorder without Him.

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