Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Stand back!  Don’t crowd me!
 I have a song to sing to my Lord and I need room!
Listen all you people for my God is great!

I lift my hands and sing to His name,
The Holy One, Almighty God,
The Creator, The Christ,
The Risen One, My Savior!

I clap my hands and sing to His name,
The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God,
The Prince of Peace, The King of Kings,
The Resurrection, My Savior!

I wave my hands and sing to His name,
The Everlasting God, The Life,
The Light of the World, The Master
The Messiah, My Savior!

I fold my hands and sing to His name,
The Bread of Life, Living Water,
The Rose of Sharon, The True Vine,
The Only Begotten Son, My Savior!

I lay my hands on the floor as I kneel and sing to His name,
The Author and Finisher of our Faith,
The Way, The Truth and The Life,
The Great I AM, My Savior!

Listen all you people for my God is great!
I sing to His name here on this earth,
But one day I will sing face to face to My Savior!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Nostalgia on a Saturday Morning

This morning Ronn and I decided to get out our LPs and turn on the turntable.  Yes you read that right.  We got out old albums that were tucked away in a bottom shelf for a day like today, I guess.  We used to have way too many LPs but did get rid of some.  We kept our favorites from days gone by.  As I write this I am hearing Cat Stevens sing, "A Wild World".  As I listen I have to agree it is a wild world and it was one when I was 18 years old first hearing that song.  The world is on a wild road that is not straight but crooked which is leading many over the cliff to eternal death.  As you can see even in the nostalgia of the morning, I am thinking God or at least trying to.

We sat and listened to Simon and Garfunkel sing "A Bridge Over Troubled Waters".  I remember that was my graduating class song in 1970.  We all loved the song and sang it all day long in our heads as we went from class to class.  There is a promise in that song by the singer to be the bridge that helps the listener get through the troubles of this world.  There is one bridge and He is LORD!  He is the one who can ease a troubled mind.  We are promised trouble in this world but Jesus has overcome the world!! (John 16:33)  We have hope in that.  We are to come along side of those who are suffering and in need as Followers of Christ but we cannot BRIDGE the trouble only CHRIST can.

It seems so interesting to me how now as I listen to these songs of long ago, my mind goes to God.  I think it has to do with maturity.  I am listening at 60 and not 18 but it is more than age.  God in His mercy and grace has seen fit to mature me in Him.  I am flat of my face grateful for that!  I know I have so much farther to go and need His mercy and grace daily.  My desire is to continue to grow in Him and not get comfortable.  Comfortable is so easy to fall into but I need to be stretched moment to moment in Him.

So I guess I will look forward to another nostalgic morning in the future to see how much more I think of Him during a secular song.  It is an interesting concept to explore more in the future.  For today, I will join my husband in this nostalgia remembering our youth together, the early years, the birth of children and how we got to where we are now.  What a journey!!  This journey is the race marked out for me by my heavenly Father!! (Hebrews 12:1-4)

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Life is Short

Today as I watched my grandson play fall baseball, I thought, "Life is short."  I remember the day he was born.  I witness the first showing of his hair before he ever took a breath.  It seems like only yesterday but I know many days have passed since then.  But as I watched him play ball, that was not all I remembered.

I remembered his mother standing on first base (just like he was) making the catches and getting the outs.  I remembered her at the plate hitting the ball with a great big "umph" sound escaping her lips as the ball soared.  There I was standing to see her just like I stood every time Tristan was at bat today.  But that was not all.

My mind saw my youngest brother out there on the field.  He loved the game and played hard.  I was 12 years older than he and enjoyed watching him as if he were mine.  Sometimes I treated him like he was with my mothering over the years.  Yes a baseball game can bring back memories.

If the field were life then I have rounded third and am headed toward home.  I so desire to run this last length of life well.  The first three bases didn't seem like they took me very long.  Life is short.  So I know this last length of time will go by quickly.  What will make this run to home the most memorable for those still running the bases?  The answer is this...the more I look like Jesus the more they will remember.  The more I strive to follow hard after HIM, the more they will be pointed to HIS grace and mercy.

Every rounding of the bases is about God and His Glory being made known.  I am running now toward home where I will be safe for eternity with my Lord and Savior.  I need to make this run count for His Glory.  This run could go on for a long time yet and I cannot grow weary.  So in order to run I will remember that every moment is precious because "Life is short"... "making the best use of the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:16   

I also need to remember that I do not run alone, the Holy Spirit is within me and the brothers and sisters in Christ are also running beside me and God has planned my race..."Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God."  Hebrews 12:1-2

Life may be short but I still have a lot of running to do in it!!  May God be glorified as I run.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Another Mother's Day

In the past few days there have been different things which have happened concerning my mother's state of mind.  Since she has frontal lobe disorder I know that things are going to continue to change and those changes are in the category of "worse".  The few things that have happened since Wednesday are:  she has now started to leave the house before my father awakes to take a walk...the neighbor has written a note and posted it on the fence (a kind note) asking my mother to please not feed her dogs mother has informed me that this same neighbor just purchased a lot of clothes as a gift for her.  Each one of these are not really huge but all together they are of great significance.

This morning, I cried.  I don't usually cry concerning my mother.  I handle it.  I accept it.  But today, I cried.  My mother is gone.  At least the one I knew so well.  The truth is I can't handle it and on many levels I don't want to accept it.  I needed to cry.  I know it is all right to cry and I would tell anyone else that.  But in my pride, I want to be strong.  The truth is I am not strong, I am weak and I need a greater strength than I have.  That's where God comes in.  He is the strength.  He is aware of this situation.  He knows my mother and loves her more than I ever could.  He knows me and loves me more than I realize.  I need HIM!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day!  My mother does not know that.  She will never even remember it when we are eating at a table together tomorrow.  She will tell stories of people who love her so very much.  She will tell stories of men wanting to marry her and of men wanting to marry me.  She will tell about people who pull her aside on the street just to say how much they love her daughter.  She will whisper in my dad's ear that she needs to go home because she is expecting an important phone call.  She will be mad when she realizes I am her ride and she can't get home when she wants to.  But in the midst of all that I know that God will give me a view of my mother which goes far beyond anything she will say.  I will see:
  • The woman who let me polish her nails when I was only 4.
  • The hair I sat on the back of the couch to brush as she closed her eyes in enjoyment.
  • The woman who stepped out in faith and moved from Tennessee to Michigan to care for her children.
  • The woman who curled my hair and caught me when I fainted.
  • The woman who held me when my father died even though they had been divorce for so very long.  She gave me comfort.
  • The woman who held my children and gave them great love as their grandma.
  • The woman who is generous to a fault even to the point of now desiring to feed every dog she sees.
These are just a few of the things I will think about.  The only way I can do that is in the strength of Christ.  I can't handle it but He certainly can.

"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.  For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.  For when I am weak, then I am strong."  2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Body of Christ at Work

All Followers of Jesus Christ are part of the body of Christ, the church.  It does not matter if we meet in the same building or not.  We can be in the United States or in France or in Mexico or in Canada, as Followers of Jesus Christ and we are part of the same body.  What a wonderful thing to be part of the whole.  Every part is needed to do the work of the gospel.

There may be times when we feel threatened by another part of the body.  Why?  Because we can become so self-focused.  We think we have the answers or we think we can do it all by ourselves.  NOT!  We need one another.  The hand is not threatened by the foot or the eye by the ear.  Each has their job to do.

Sometimes we find ourselves in a place where the hand actually helps the foot or the eye helps the ear.  Our physical bodies work that way and so does the body of Christ.  We can be seeking to help someone and feel like we are lost not knowing what else to do.  But God sends another to give what is needed.  This should cause us to rejoice.  There is to be no jealousy in the body of Christ, only praise to God for His work through us.

I have found myself in this position.  I am rejoicing at the provision God has given.  I am rejoicing at the help given by another part of the body.  I am rejoicing at how God has used the body.  My Pastor often says, "We are not lone ranger Christians."  He is so right!  How encouraging to know I am not alone.

"To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." 1 Corinthians 12:7

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Breakfast with the Girls

As you may know or not know, I am the women's ministry director at Cornerstone Baptist Church.  It is my privilege to serve the women of the church in all areas, Bible studies, mentoring, counseling and special events.  

This morning we had an inter generational breakfast at church.  There were women there of all ages.  I had wished there had been more from the younger women of the church but I know that those who were supposed to be there were there.  The food was great!  It was enjoyable to eat and mingle at our tables getting to know one another better.  Then after breakfast we got up and searched for women who fulfilled certain criteria listed on a bingo sheet.  We got their autographs and learned more about them.  It was a fun time of fellowship together.

The best part came at the end when I had asked them to share something they had wished someone had told them when they were younger.  I was afraid that there were not going to be many who would just speak up so I had a couple of women ready to get it started.  Much to my surprise and joy the women didn't have any trouble at all speaking up.  They begin to share things from their lives one at a time.  We all learned from each other.  We laughed.  We wiped a tear.  We said "Amen!".  We clapped.  It was the greatest display of fellowship I have witnessed among our women.  We were a body, speaking into one another's lives.

This is what we are called to do.  We are to be examples to one another, mentors to one another and to love one another.  The women of Cornerstone did that this morning in a group of 80 sharing some pretty personal things.  There was no fear in the sharing because we are family.

I am excited to invite my family to do this again.  God has really used today as an encouragement in the lives of these 80 women.  I hope that others will be encouraged too as these women share their experience with them. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

A Blast From the Past

It can be so funny when I go to breakfast with my mom. She comes up with the stories. I have noticed that she is going farther and farther back in time with the people she brings up. This week she told me that she received a call from Hank Snow. He was letting her know that he was retiring from country music. He convinced her that it was him by singing his songs on the phone to her. Hank Snow died in 1999 at the age of 85. So really he retired a long time ago. But she was very happy when she spoke of him.

Then she came up with, "Did I ever tell you who wanted to marry you?". She has mentioned many but I told her no and she proceeded to tell me this story. When I was younger she and I went to a concert and then went back stage. We visited with the singer and then as I walked away he told my mom he wanted to marry me. His name was Ernest Tubb. He actually died in 1984 at the age of 70. My mom did say that she told him no because he was actually older than her.

These two men who sang for the Grand Ole Opry made an impression on my mom. It was a big one because she remembers them still though other more current memories have faded. They did not know they had made an impression on a young girl in the back woods of Tennessee but they had none the less. She obviously cherishes memories of hearing them on the radio during her young years.

So I am just wondering about the impressions I am making for Christ. Am I making impressions without knowing it? Are they good impressions or do these impressions mar the name of my Lord? I am certainly not aware of everyone who sees me, listens to me, hears about me or watches me very closely. I need to be aware of being a follower of Christ each and every moment that I take a breath.

Wouldn't it be great if one day someone is sitting across from their child at a breakfast table and says, "Did I ever tell you about ____________ now there's someone who really spoke to me about God! The life she led was so much like Jesus." Now what a joy that would be! A blast from the past that made a difference for the future.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

In the Presence of the Gospel

Today was a very special day. I went to church with my daughter and family. My oldest grandsons, Seth and Everett, were going to be baptized. They had been working hard on the baptism booklet the Pastor had given them as well as writing out their own testimonies. They were nervous but so were my son-in-law, daughter and I. The nerves also held a lot of excitement as we were all anticipating this event.

There were going to be 10 people baptized today at Evident Church. The Pastor said that there would be worship and baptism today only. This was the baptism celebration Sunday. After the first group of worship songs, Seth was to be first of the group with Everett following him. Since Evident meets in a school, a portable round tub was brought in with the chairs in a semi-circle all around it.

As Seth stepped into the tub he dropped his testimony into the water which brought laughter as the Pastor pulled it carefully apart so that he could read it. Seth gave a clear indication of his belief in Christ alone for his salvation. He spoke of Christ dying for him and the blood shed paying for his sins. He made it clear that he wanted to please God in his life. Just before the Pastor put him under the water, I looked over to see Everett giving Seth a thumbs up (both thumbs). I was trying to hold them back but the tears came by the time Seth came out of the water. When he was coming out of the tub and down the steps, there was Everett patting him on the back and smiling as people clapped and cheered.

Then it was Everett's turn. He has never been know as a subtle child. He went up the steps and jumped into the tub splashing water everywhere. The Pastor likened it to a cannonball! Everett read his testimony which was full of language about his sin and his need of Jesus. He talked about what God did for him through Jesus and made it clear that he wanted to live for the Lord. Before the Pastor baptized Everett, he shared that he had a conversation with both boys through Skype. During that conversation they had talked about the testimonies but then talked a bit about the superbowl. He said that Everett said, "Can we get back to talking about the Lord now?". What a joy to know Everett's priorities! When he came up out of the water, he raised both hands in excitement and praise.

These two boys have committed themselves to follow Christ. I know they will not be perfect but they know the conviction of the Spirit and can repent. What does the Lord have for them in the future? I don't know but I do know He has called them to Himself to be younger brothers of Jesus, co-heirs with Jesus, sealed with the Holy Spirit and set apart to be Holy. What a joy for me to have been witness to this. Praise be to our God and Father who continues to call people to Himself!! May these two boys be the instruments He uses for His purposes in the future!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In the Presence of Grace

The Student Ministries Pastor and my friend, Patrick McGoldrick, has been diagnosed with ALS. This has hit us all hard in the church and especially here on staff with him. He is young. He has a wife and two children. The diagnosis is not a good one but only God knows the outcome.

After we were told in a staff meeting, I began to pray for him and his family. I also began to wonder how I would act around him. What would I say? What should I do? I figured it would all be very uncomfortable. Nothing could be farther from reality.

I can only describe being with Patrick as being in the presence of grace, God's grace. There is no uneasiness in our conversation. It is all natural, normal and productive. It is not hard to speak with him about the future. In fact, I enjoy our conversations more now. The reason? I am in the presence of God's grace.

There are many times as a biblical counselor I have used Hebrews 4:16 as an encouragement..."Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."...But now I consider that I am in the thick of that verse. God's throne is being approached multiple times a day for Patrick and God's grace is being lavished on him.

I am privileged to serve along side this man. As I stand next to him, I too am the beneficiary of God's marvelous grace. What a privilege! Thank you God.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

Last night as I taught a class at church on relationship with difficult people, I was struck by the relationship of Jesus and Judas. Jesus who is our perfect example. The example that we are to follow as Followers of Christ. The One we are to imitate. In John 13, Jesus takes the time to wash every disciple's feet. We are told in this passage that He knew that Judas was going to betray Him. He knew that His time had come. He knew that it would be that evening.

As we were going through these verses, the reality of this hit me very hard. Jesus washed the dirty feet of His betrayer, a thief and a liar. Judas was never a true follower of Christ at all. Jesus knew that and yet He treated him just like He did the rest of the disciples who followed Him. I guess I was picturing myself on the floor washing the dirty feet of someone who has told lies about me, who has tried to turn others against me and who has broken close relationships. At that moment, I could not see myself on the floor but I knew I should be there. How humiliating! Would God really want me to humble myself to that point?

Of course, He would. Jesus did it. I am to learn from Him. Fear begins to creep up in me as I think, "what if the response to me is not good?". Well, that's where Romans 12:18 comes in. Because as you read at the beginning of this post, "If it is possible..." It is not always possible to have peace because the other person may not respond in a manner that promotes peace. However I am responsible for me not the other person's response. So I have a job to do. I need to go as far as I can for peace. I need to look like Jesus, my Savior.

I may get hurt. I may win a friend. I may look stupid. I may look like Jesus. I may be fearful. I may have courage in the Lord. All of this is speculation that will get me nowhere. Jesus calls me to serve. He calls me to be like Him. He calls me to obedience. "I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you." John 13:15 And He did much more for me than wash my feet...He died for me taking my punishment for my sin. He took my place. So...what's my problem?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


"Remember this, fix it in mind, take it to heart, you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me. I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please." Isaiah 46:8-10

Have you ever thought about how quickly you forget something, even something important? Someone tells you something and you are sure you will remember but a distraction comes and the thought is gone. We are so easily distracted by things that do not matter. We are even distracted when we pray. Our minds begin to wander around here and there and everywhere! Why can't we stay focused for one moment?

It reminds me of Jesus when he went to pray in the garden and he asked his three closest disciples to stay awake and pray. Every time he returned they were asleep. I am sure that they didn't mean to go to sleep. It was late and as they closed their eyes to pray, the next thing they knew they were snoring. How disappointed Jesus was!

God through Isaiah proclaims the words above to remind us to remember Him. Although this is written to His people Israel, there is much that we can take away from it. Are we rebels? You bet! Do we need to remember all of the things that God has done? Absolutely! Do we need to preach to ourselves that there is one God and no other? Yes! Do we need to remember that God's purpose and His will is what is going to take place regardless of our rebellion? A resounding yes!

God does as He pleases. I wonder if I can remember that when life gets hard. I better because even the hard life is all about God and what He is going to accomplish. The real test is whether I can remember God when life is going great! It is those times when God is not in the forefront of my mind because after is good! But without thinking of God and who He is and what He is accomplishing, is life really good??

So I need to "fix it in my mind and take it to heart"...God. That is the memory worth the effort to remember.

Monday, January 2, 2012


A new year is here and with it usually come resolutions which hopefully will produce changes in life habits. The number one thing people go after is their weight and to start exercising or to pick up the pace a bit. Everything always sounds so good on paper but by the time February rolls in the resolutions made the first of January have been lost in the shuffle of life. We get back into the old habits of living and stay there without another thought to all of the changes we had in mind. So unless we are diligent they end up being words on paper with no meaning at all.

But God has put His Words on paper so that we can read them, enjoy them, use them and allow them to change our lives. His Words are never just words on paper although we treat them that way when we don't take them to heart and act on what we read. It takes obedience pure and simple. The obedience takes commitment and perseverance. His Words are not words that are to be forgotten by the end of the month. His Words are to be remembered and lived out.

So the resolution for this year is PAY ATTENTION TO GOD AND HIS WORDS. Let's keep it that simple. In order to do that you do have to read the Bible. In order to do that you do need to believe what you read. In order to do that you do need to trust the Holy Spirit to guide you. In order to do that it needs to be about God and not about you.

I'm on board. How about you? Let's not consider 2012 as being the end of the world! Let's consider 2012 our opportunity to look more like Jesus in all we say and do!