Saturday, October 27, 2012

Nostalgia on a Saturday Morning

This morning Ronn and I decided to get out our LPs and turn on the turntable.  Yes you read that right.  We got out old albums that were tucked away in a bottom shelf for a day like today, I guess.  We used to have way too many LPs but did get rid of some.  We kept our favorites from days gone by.  As I write this I am hearing Cat Stevens sing, "A Wild World".  As I listen I have to agree it is a wild world and it was one when I was 18 years old first hearing that song.  The world is on a wild road that is not straight but crooked which is leading many over the cliff to eternal death.  As you can see even in the nostalgia of the morning, I am thinking God or at least trying to.

We sat and listened to Simon and Garfunkel sing "A Bridge Over Troubled Waters".  I remember that was my graduating class song in 1970.  We all loved the song and sang it all day long in our heads as we went from class to class.  There is a promise in that song by the singer to be the bridge that helps the listener get through the troubles of this world.  There is one bridge and He is LORD!  He is the one who can ease a troubled mind.  We are promised trouble in this world but Jesus has overcome the world!! (John 16:33)  We have hope in that.  We are to come along side of those who are suffering and in need as Followers of Christ but we cannot BRIDGE the trouble only CHRIST can.

It seems so interesting to me how now as I listen to these songs of long ago, my mind goes to God.  I think it has to do with maturity.  I am listening at 60 and not 18 but it is more than age.  God in His mercy and grace has seen fit to mature me in Him.  I am flat of my face grateful for that!  I know I have so much farther to go and need His mercy and grace daily.  My desire is to continue to grow in Him and not get comfortable.  Comfortable is so easy to fall into but I need to be stretched moment to moment in Him.

So I guess I will look forward to another nostalgic morning in the future to see how much more I think of Him during a secular song.  It is an interesting concept to explore more in the future.  For today, I will join my husband in this nostalgia remembering our youth together, the early years, the birth of children and how we got to where we are now.  What a journey!!  This journey is the race marked out for me by my heavenly Father!! (Hebrews 12:1-4)

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