Sunday, October 19, 2008


This weekend was one of celebrations for me. On Saturday I had the joy of celebrating the home going of a friend and the wedding of another friend. Both these occasions were reason to celebrate. I shed tears, shared with old and new friends, and prayed at both celebrations. I would like to write a short tribute to each of these friends.

My friend, Jackie Rocho, went home to be with her Savior on October 1, 2008. Her funeral was yesterday. Jackie took me under her wing when I was 18 years old and we taught Jr. Church together. I spent many hours at Jackie's table planning and preparing for each of our Sunday's lessons. Then she handed the baton over to me and I taught Jr. Church myself while she took on another ministry in the church. I remember one specific day at her table when my first child was only 3 months old. I stayed a very long time that day because my husband was going to take our dog away. I was very sad about it although I knew it was the right thing to do. Jackie allowed me to stay way beyond my allotted time and comforted me in the loss of the dog. What a wonderful memory of my friend! I was able to see Jackie during the last years of her life when Alzheimer's had robbed her of her memory. She ate lunch with Jane, her daughter-in-law, and I until she became bedridden. I recall her stealing Jane's sandwich from her plate when I was supposed to keep an eye on her. That was funny! I would be incomplete if I did not give Jane credit for the years she has cared for Jackie. Jane was able to celebrate yesterday too in knowing that Jackie is singing and dancing before her Savior giving Him all the Glory!! Praise God for His Glorious Salvation!!

A wedding took place yesterday of my friend, Marty. She was widowed a few years ago and had no intention of marrying again. But God had other plans. He brought Marty and Ernie together to be married. They had known one another for many years. But they would have never guessed that they would become husband and wife. What joy God had brought to each of them! I have to say of Marty, she loves the Lord. She has lead many Bible studies over the years. She is firm in her faith and gives God all the credit. When she was widowed she displayed the peace that only God can give at a time like that. She has expressed that she can't explain it. I know it is God's grace! His grace is given us to handle life and all it brings our way. Now God's grace is at work again in this new marriage. I am so glad that I was able to be a part of the celebration.

So what about today?? Is there reason to celebrate? Of course, there is...
"This is the day that Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24

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