The other day my daughter said to me that we should get the google calendar so that we would know what the other one is doing. You see we call each other every morning for the update of appointments and what the day holds. She said, "Then I won't have to call you but I will probably call you anyway." Which I thought was nice because I like the touching base with her.
In that conversation she also said something about my life and I said, "I don't have a life." I have been thinking about that statement. It is very selfish. For you see my life is not about me. It is about God and others. The more people that are in my life the better, right? Especially if I am going to do it God's way. So I think that people who spend time soaking in the tub, going to the tanning booth, shopping every Saturday at the mall, watching their favorite TV show or drawing life on being alone have got it all wrong. Not that any of those things by themselves are wrong but a string of self-satisfying things is definitely wrong. In fact, that person would be missing out on life.
Life is about having your google calendar with God and anyone else who wants to share it with you. We are to learn of Him, worship Him, honor Him and reflect Him to others. The others are the ones on the calendar who we are to love as we love ourselves. Living that way, now that's life.! So, do I have a life? You betcha and I want to live every minute of it for the glory of Christ, my Savior, who gave His life for me. He did that according to God's calendar. They were definitely on the same page.
So ok, Barb, let's do it!! Only trouble is, it's technical so you will have to show me and maybe you will have to do it for me. Guess what?? You have a life too. Love you.
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