As far back as I can remember church was an important part of my family's life. Before I was born, the Hopewell Baptist church was built on property donated by my paternal grandparents. My grandparents from both sides of my family were founding members of the church. It was in this church I had the privilege of having my Grandmother as my 2nd grade Sunday School Teacher. She gave me my first bible. I learned a great deal from her about being a servant. What a rich heritage!
This continued on in my mother's example to me. She read the scriptures every morning as I was growing up. It was a joy to get up each day and see her in the Word. She made sure that my brothers and I were in church hearing the Word and being involved. What an example!
The Lord brought a couple in my life when I was 11 years old, the Sumners. They saw something in me and began to nurture it. They saw the ability to teach and lead. How they saw that in an 11 year old, I do not know! I am grateful for the opportunities of service that they gave me. I was able to teach in their Junior Department at the age of 14 years. Mr. Sumner was not the greatest teacher but he loved God and he loved God's Word. Mrs. Sumner was quiet and in the background but she was a loving wife who served God and her husband with a gentle spirit. I learned much from the two of them. What a legacy of loving God!
As a teen, I was close to my pastor, Bill Coleman. He was a man who had vision. He wanted to serve the Lord and do so in many different ways. He was never in a rut. He showed me that things can change and God can still bless. He was a man who loved God and lived the gospel He was a goal marker and completer. What a joy to see such service!
Through the years I have had many who have left me a legacy to follow. Just recently I lost my colleague and friend, Patrick McGoldrick. He and I spent a lot of time discussing theology and other things. I shared a personal prayer request with him just after he had been diagnosed with ALS. Patrick told me how he would put a penny in his shoe to remind him to pray for someone all day. It was a few weeks later that he came to my office and gave me a piece of paper that said "Penny in the shoe...praying for you." with a penny taped to it. A few weeks later, he brought me another penny. I still have this paper with the two pennies taped to it in my desk drawer. What a legacy to pray for others!
Now I am led by Bob Johnson II as my pastor, colleague and friend. He has show me what is important in life by teaching me that life is all about God. He reminds me as a shepherd that I need to live my life in line with the Word of God. His life is a reflection of the Savior and I am grateful to see it modeled for me. What a privilege to work with this man who is leaving a legacy to so many!
The challenge is to leave a legacy to those behind me! That is my desire and that is my prayer. What an awesome responsibility!
"Let this be recorded for a generation to come, so that a people yet to be created may praise the LORD" Psalm 102:18
"We will not hide them from their children, but tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the LORD, and his might, and the wonders that he has done." Psalm 78:4
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