Friday, May 10, 2013


We are all familiar with if-then statements.  We say them all the time.  Some of those statements are very useful, others are superstitious and others are truth.

If-then statements can really be useful in parenting.  These can make it clear to a child what is expected and what the outcome will be if they are not obedient.  All questions are answered if things are made clear to children.  For instance, "If you do not clean your room, then you cannot go to your friend's house."  or "If you choose to be disrespectful in your tone, then you will be cleaning the bathroom tile with a toothbrush.".  This makes it clear the choice is the child's to be obedient.  Of course, these statements can be used to give rewards as well.  These types of if-then statements are useful.

If-then statements can be superstitious.  There are many that you have heard.  The one that seems to actually come true so often is, "If I wash my car, then it will rain.".  Two weeks ago Ronn and I washed the car and it was raining before nightfall.  I remember last summer my neighbor came out of his house and yelled at me because I was washing the car.  He yelled, "Hey, I don't want it to rain!  Stop washing your car!".  It rained the next day. :)  Of course, this doesn't always happen.  It is a fun if-then statement.  We certainly don't want to embrace this statement and never wash our car!

The truth is this that our God is not an if-then God.  We cannot manipulate Him into doing what we want by saying, "If I promise to do this for you God, then will you get me out of this situation?".  That is not the way God operates.  He works in His way and in His time.  He does not work for us, we work for Him.  Our desires will not be fulfilled by God because we bargain with Him.  Who are we to bargain with God?  We need to take time and remember who God is.

"For I the LORD do not change;..." Malachi 3:6a
"...I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please." Isaiah 46:10b
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are you ways my ways, declares the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

The if-then statements we need to live by are:  "If I yield my will to God's then He will bring about spiritual maturity in me."    "If I face trials then God will give me the grace to handle them."  "If I face trouble then I will be comforted in Christ."  There are many, many more which reveal to us the promises of God. 

So wash your car and live your life for the glory of God even though you may get wet.

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